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Friday, January 27, 2017
Friday, January 20, 2017
Nature's Bounty Chocolate Flavored Protein Shake Mix
Here's a great place you can get these for a very good price (pack of 2), get it here.
And another great place you can get for a very good price (pack of 5), get it here.
You can check other products at Store above.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
7 Nutrients You Need Going into The Holidays
Here are 6 supplements to help battle the ambivalent stressors of the Christmas season:
In the event that minerals were famous people, magnesium would be the performer you've never known about, that appears suddenly and takes the Oscar from J. Law. As such, magnesium is exceptionally capable, however hasn't gotten a huge amount of press.
Magnesium is required for more than 350 enzymatic responses. It's pivotal to our vitality levels, as it makes ATP (adenosine triphosphate) – the particle that stores the vitality we have to do pretty much everything – and it helps us unwind. Magnesium is known as the "counter anxiety" mineral on account of its quieting impacts on the sensory system. Tragically, adrenaline, our body's essential anxiety hormone, requires an expansive supply of magnesium. It's a predicament:
Stretch drains us of the supplement that helps us de-push.
To get more magnesium, include spinach, pumpkin seeds, almonds, dark beans, and avocado to your eating regimen. Magnesium is additionally effortlessly assimilated through the skin, along these lines, for a really unwinding background, have a go at adding Epsom salts to an evening time shower or #treatyoself to a back rub with magnesium-imbued body oil or cream.
Vitamin C is an effective cancer prevention agent that backings our resistant framework and is basic amid times of stress. When we're pushed or stood up to with risk, our adrenal organs discharge vitamin C as a major aspect of our "battle or flight" reaction – the procedure that readies our bodies for activity by expanding heart rate, circulatory strain, and the measure of oxygen to the mind. However, it's not quite recently a minute ago due dates or bristly Grinches descending dim back roads that actuate this reaction.
Stress can be mental, ecological, and physical – even serious practice can be an anxiety.
So in case you're spending the occasions heading out to various conditions and atmospheres, hitting the exercise center additional hard with an end goal to keep those pecan pie pounds under control, or even simply investing more energy in your feet doing combating crowds at the Apple store, know that you could likely utilize some additional vitamin C. The nourishments most elevated in vitamin C are ringer peppers, guavas, dim verdant greens, kiwis, and broccoli.
Smarty Tip: Vitamin C is effectively harmed by warmth, so it's best to eat sustenances containing vitamin C, crude or just delicately cooked.
The omega 3 unsaturated fats DHA (docosahexaenoic corrosive) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic corrosive) bolster cerebrum wellbeing and a solid incendiary reaction – two regions that could utilize some additional assistance amid the Christmas season. In the eating regimen, omega 3 unsaturated fats work to adjust omega 6 unsaturated fats, which originate from plant oils, for example, corn oil, soybean oil, and sunflower oil. As per numerous social insurance experts, the perfect proportion of omega 6 to 3 ought to be from 1:1 to 5:1. Sadly, some examination shows that the adjust in Western eating methodologies can be as high as 25:1, as omega 6 oils are available in practically every handled and bundled sustenance and are the essential oils utilized as a part of generally eateries.
Amid these seasons of eating, drinking, and making cheerful, it's a smart thought to recollect the 3s. The best dietary wellsprings of EPA and DHA are wild-gotten fish, for example, salmon and sardines, and a few sorts of ocean green growth. While you can get the omega 3 unsaturated fat ALA from plant sources, for example, flax and chia seeds, it must be changed over by our bodies into DHA and EPA, and the rate of transformation for the vast majority is under 5%. In the event that you don't eat creature items, and you're not a fanatic of green growth, you can have a go at supplementing with an astounding omega 3 angle oil like the kind in SmartyPants, that originates from wild-got, supportable little fish.
With the occasions come parties and with gatherings come liquor. You're likewise most likely investing more energy in the go, trekking through airplane terminals, markets, return lines, and it's anything but difficult to neglect to hydrate. As indicated by Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, lack of hydration can prompt to a large group of repulsive reactions including migraines, weariness, and crabbiness. Seem like the occasions anybody? Obviously, a few cerebral pains can't be maintained a strategic distance from, yet wouldn't it be pleasant if a couple of the a throbbing painfulness that join this rushed season could be reduced with a little H2O?
Smarty Tip: If you're chugging water like there's no tomorrow, and the main change you notice is the regular need to hit the restroom, have a go at including a squeeze of amazing ocean salt.
Sodium is an electrolyte, or, a mineral with an electric charge. Levels of electrolytes in your body can change when the measure of water in your body changes and it's vital to look after adjust. On the off chance that you need to go the additional mile and be a super smarty wellbeing top pick, you can make your own particular electrolyte refreshment (our form of Gatorade) by blending separated water with ocean salt, follow mineral drops, lemon juice, and a touch of nectar.
Microbes is something we by and large attempt and maintain a strategic distance from, particularly amid chilly and influenza season, however certain sorts of microscopic organisms can really help keep us solid. Probiotics are live microscopic organisms and yeasts that are normally found in our bodies and have been appeared to help bolster assimilation, state of mind and vitality adjust, and resistance – all zones that are put under serious scrutiny amid the occasions. Be that as it may, probiotics, also called advantageous, or "great," microscopic organisms, can be slaughtered effectively by presentation to light, warm, stomach corrosive, and also a few parts of current life including stress and liquor.
So what would it be a good idea for you to do about it? Acclimate yourself with the 5 Little-Known Things Killing Your Good Gut Bugs. At that point endeavor to get more gainful microscopic organisms into your eating regimen. A portion of the sustenances most astounding in probiotic microscopic organisms incorporate aged nourishments, for example, unpasteurized sauerkraut and kimchee, and yogurts that contain "live dynamic societies." You can likewise attempt a probiotic supplement like SmartyPants Adult Probiotic Complete and Kids Probiotic Complete. For more data on probiotics, why they're beneficial for us, and how to pick the best ones, look at our meeting with Dr. Pamela Peeke.
Fiber runs as an inseparable unit with probiotics, as probiotic microscopic organisms require nourishment to survive and a specific sort of fiber, known as PRE-biotic fiber, is a perfect sustenance for these great gut bugs. The sustenances most astounding in prebiotic fiber incorporate chicory root, Jerusalem artichokes, dandelion greens, crude garlic, leeks, and onions. However, outside of onions and garlic, the occasions are commonly a period when stringy sustenances take a rearward sitting arrangement to cakes, mixed drinks, and charcuterie.
Along these lines, this year, as opposed to carelessly chomping your way through December on an eating routine of artisanal cheddar 3D shapes, endeavor to center (a bit) on fiber. Discover what nourishments are most elevated in dietary fiber. On the off chance that you require somewhat additional help, you can have a go at supplementing with solvent fiber, similar to the kind we use in our SmartyPants Adult Complete and Fiber.
Presently more than at some other time of year, our rest is under assault – from the week by week surge of rich sustenance and devious toast the evenings spent hurling and turning, concentrating intensely for what to get the manager who has everything, the sister who returns everything, and the cousin whose birthday you over and over overlook. While you will be unable to keep away from these insults, you can give yourself somewhat additional support in the rest office.
Look into demonstrates that magnesium may help alleviate sleep deprivation. It likewise helps muscles unwind, to give you that quiet, sluggish feeling and help you loosen up in the wake of a monotonous day – two more motivations to make companions with this mineral.
And keeping in mind that you're rubbing in your magnesium oil, don't do it before the TV. Screens, including telephones, PCs, advanced watches, tablets, and TVs emanate blue light, or, light with blue wavelengths that can be problematic around evening time. As per research, introduction to blue light causes the mind to quit creating melatonin, a hormone that gives your body the "opportunity to rest" prompt.
Our recommendation is to limit introduction to blue light no less than a hour prior to bed. Yet, since we realize that the best arrangements are constantly discovered trolling the interwebs in the midnight hour, there are a few applications for telephones and PCs that help hinder the blue.
Eat Healthy
Picture this: you’re driving down an endless stretch of highway,
waiting to board a flight, or perhaps you’ve just arrived at a distant
relative’s graduation party, and The Feeling hits. The empty,
pit-in-your-stomach, light-headed feeling of hunger. You know it’s not
long until the fatigue, inability to concentrate, and loss of all sense
of social decency begin to take hold. But the landscape is bleak. There
is nothing to eat but junk food.
Or is there?
We’ve all been in a situation where there are seemingly zero healthy food options (and you have no choice but to pile your plate with corn dogs…) So we’re venturing into these nutritional deserts to help you figure out what to eat when there’s nothing to eat.
These days, most airports are filled with
restaurants, a few of which are bound to have some healthy menu items.
But let’s say you don’t have time to go hunting down a locally-sourced
salad bar. Let’s say you’ve only got a bookstore and a coffee shop…
Mixed Nuts
Nuts are a great option when you need to slay the hunger dragon, fast. They’re one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat, packing around 170 calories, 16 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber in just one ounce! If possible, choose raw nuts over roasted, as raw nuts can contain higher amounts of antioxidant vitamin E – an important nutrient that helps protect against free radical damage, promote healthy vision, brain function, and a strong immune system.
A Banana or an Apple
Even the most basic of airports will usually have apples and bananas for sale – they may be a little bruised and battered, but that doesn’t change their nutritional value. Both of these fruits contain around 30 grams of carbohydrate and 3-4 grams of fiber. The carbs will provide a quick source of energy, while the fiber will help stabilize your blood sugar and keep you fuller, longer. The soluble fiber in bananas and the pectin found in apple skins, act as prebiotics, helping to feed your good gut bacteria. This is especially important when you’re traveling, as our gut bacteria play a crucial role supporting our digestive and immune health. Read more about the best ways to feed your good gut bacteria here.
Full-Fat, Decaf Latte
If your coffee order is usually the exact opposite, i.e. skim latte, extra shot, you may want to listen up. By switching to whole or 2% milk, you’ll add a few more calories and grams of fat. If this beverage is going to serve as your primary source of fuel for the next few hours, more fat and calories are a good thing. Additionally, the extra fat will help stabilize your blood sugar, so you stay full, energized, and satisfied longer.
Why decaf? Caffeine causes our bodies to produce cortisol, a stress hormone which raises our blood sugar. If you combine caffeine with the natural sugars in milk and cut out all the fat, you could have a one-way ticket aboard The Blood Sugar Rollercoaster. While the high may be fun at first, what goes up must come down, leaving you hungrier – and not to mention crankier – than you were to begin with.
Don’t forget to hydrate! The humidity in a pressurized airplane cabin drops to about half of what it is normally outside and can lead to dehydration. In addition to dry eyes and swollen feet, dehydration can contribute to fatigue, irritability, and hunger. Make sure to bring some water with you and re-stock during the in-flight beverage service.
While you can’t bring your own beverages into the airport, you can bring your own food. I, personally, have brought an entire rotisserie chicken through security. True story. Our best recommendation for eating healthy while traveling is to plan ahead and pack your own healthy snacks.
SmartyPants On-the-Go
Even when you’ve got options, the nutrient-density of airport food can be a little lacking, so keep an eye out for our SmartyPants On-the-Go packs. Inside you get a full serving of vitamins, minerals, and omega 3 fish oil all in one amazingly delicious gummy package. We use the forms of nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body whenever possible, our fish oil is eco-friendly, and our gummies are non-GMO, contain no synthetic colors, flavors, or preservatives, and are gluten, casein, and allergen-free. The perfect backup when you’re on the go and in need of nutrients!
Like airports, most gas stations will stock some kind of mixed nuts,
fruit, and water. A couple of other healthy options you can find on the
road include:
Local Jerky
Jerky is an almost perfect balance between fat and protein, and a good source of B vitamins and zinc – two nutrients that are particularly important when traveling as they support energy production and immunity. But many commercial brands are coated with flavorings and preservatives. Fortunately, one of the best things about road trips is that you can often find locally-produced goods and goodies at gas stations. When you make a pit stop, keep an eye out for homemade jerky, which usually just includes meat, spices, and a bit of sugar for taste.
Sunflower Seeds
In a mere one ounce, 150 calorie serving, this gas station staple delivers 14 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrate, 6 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber! You also get vitamin B1, B6, folate, and over 80% of the Daily Value for antioxidant vitamin E. Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of selenium and magnesium – two nutrients which are needed for hundreds of functions in the body, including energy production, proper thyroid and immune function, healthy aging, and sleep. These minerals are not abundant in many foods, so when you find a good dietary source, don’t pass it up!
Crudité & Peanut Butter
Crudité is a fancy word for sliced vegetables, which many gas stations have in their refrigerated section. To jazz things up, try dipping your veggies in peanut butter – you can often find mini-size condiments for sale in gas station travel sections. Peanuts contain healthy fats to help you absorb the vitamins in the veggies, as well as some extra antioxidant vitamin E and protein.
String Cheese & Yogurt
Individually packaged string cheese and yogurt not only deliver hunger-busting protein and fat, they’re also some of the best dietary sources of bioavailable calcium, or, calcium that our bodies can absorb and use easily (at SmartyPants, we’re all about those bioavailable nutrients.)
When choosing a yogurt, opt for an unflavored, plain variety. You can sweeten it up with honey, which you can usually find provided for free at the coffee/tea station.
Protein Bars?
Protein and meal replacement bars seem to have taken over the world, but buyer beware: while many of these bars may appear to be healthy, thanks to clever marking language and pretty packaging, they can be filled with a multitude of highly processed ingredients and additives. If your gas station has bars, try and choose one with the fewest number of ingredients – preferably those you can recognize and pronounce. Additionally, look for bars that contain at least five grams of protein and, ideally, less than a third of the total calories from sugar. Bonus points for fiber. We like KIND bars, organic Cliff bars, and Kashi Go Lean bars.
This one may come as a shocker, but potato salad can be a relatively healthy food choice. Potatoes, when cooked and then cooled, contain something called resistant starch. Resistant starches pass through the digestive tract unchanged – they are resistant to digestion – and function similar to soluble fiber in that they act as prebiotics, helping to feed our good gut bacteria. Research shows that resistant starch can have powerful health benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite, and improved digestion.
Fruit Salad
A classic fruit salad consists of melon, grapes, and pineapple – all of which bring something special to the nutritional buffet. Watermelon and melon are loaded with water and fiber, which will help keep you hydrated and feeling full. Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. You may have heard of resveratrol? This antioxidant famous for promoting heart health is found in the skins of red grapes. Finally, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme which helps promote digestion – especially helpful if you just so happen to accidentally sample some of the extra spicy chicken wings, or grandma’s homemade rigatoni.
Cocktail Shrimp
Shrimp are a nutritionist’s dream. They’re low in fat, calories, and carbs while packing as much protein as a steak in a 3-ounce serving! In that same serving, you also get 75% of the Daily Value for vitamin B12, 50% of selenium, over 50% of phosphorous, 30% of choline, copper, and iodine, and antioxidants to boot! In addition to selenium, shrimp contain astaxanthin, a powerful nutrient that has been shown to promote heart health, skin health, increased endurance, and overall healthy aging. In terms of free radical fighting power, one study showed that astaxanthin displayed the highest antioxidant activity when compared to other carotenoids.
Cheese Platter
Cheese is one of those foods that can turn from healthy snack to belt-busting binge fest, fast. The key to keeping cheese consumption to a moderate level is to understand what you’re eating. Much like mixed nuts, cheese is a dense source of calories and nutrition, with one ounce delivering around 115 calories, 9 grams of fat, and 7 grams of protein.
What does one ounce look like? Two dice. Or, one piece about the size of your thumb. Our advice when sampling from the cheese board is to take a few cubes – along with a generous helping of fruit and veggies – and step away from the wheel. You’re much less likely to clean the platter if you’re not within striking distance.
If there was a popularity contest amongst dips, hummus would be the prom queen. Everybody loves hummus, and for good reason. The delicious garbanzo bean spread is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, fiber, protein, vitamin B6, folate, and manganese. One quarter cup (because, let’s be honest, no one is eating just one tablespoon) contains 6 grams of fat, 9 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and only 100 calories! Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. It’s hummus.
Depending on which state you live in, many bars are required by law to sell food. If your bar has a menu, look first for anything that’s not fried. Next – in order of priority – look for dishes that contain vegetables, protein, and fat. These macronutrients will keep you full and slow the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream. Some good options include mini sliders or wraps – you can ditch the bun or wrap and just eat the filling – cocktail shrimp, chili, and deviled eggs.
Or is there?
We’ve all been in a situation where there are seemingly zero healthy food options (and you have no choice but to pile your plate with corn dogs…) So we’re venturing into these nutritional deserts to help you figure out what to eat when there’s nothing to eat.
Mixed Nuts
Nuts are a great option when you need to slay the hunger dragon, fast. They’re one of the most nutrient-dense foods you can eat, packing around 170 calories, 16 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber in just one ounce! If possible, choose raw nuts over roasted, as raw nuts can contain higher amounts of antioxidant vitamin E – an important nutrient that helps protect against free radical damage, promote healthy vision, brain function, and a strong immune system.
A Banana or an Apple
Even the most basic of airports will usually have apples and bananas for sale – they may be a little bruised and battered, but that doesn’t change their nutritional value. Both of these fruits contain around 30 grams of carbohydrate and 3-4 grams of fiber. The carbs will provide a quick source of energy, while the fiber will help stabilize your blood sugar and keep you fuller, longer. The soluble fiber in bananas and the pectin found in apple skins, act as prebiotics, helping to feed your good gut bacteria. This is especially important when you’re traveling, as our gut bacteria play a crucial role supporting our digestive and immune health. Read more about the best ways to feed your good gut bacteria here.
Full-Fat, Decaf Latte
If your coffee order is usually the exact opposite, i.e. skim latte, extra shot, you may want to listen up. By switching to whole or 2% milk, you’ll add a few more calories and grams of fat. If this beverage is going to serve as your primary source of fuel for the next few hours, more fat and calories are a good thing. Additionally, the extra fat will help stabilize your blood sugar, so you stay full, energized, and satisfied longer.
Why decaf? Caffeine causes our bodies to produce cortisol, a stress hormone which raises our blood sugar. If you combine caffeine with the natural sugars in milk and cut out all the fat, you could have a one-way ticket aboard The Blood Sugar Rollercoaster. While the high may be fun at first, what goes up must come down, leaving you hungrier – and not to mention crankier – than you were to begin with.
Don’t forget to hydrate! The humidity in a pressurized airplane cabin drops to about half of what it is normally outside and can lead to dehydration. In addition to dry eyes and swollen feet, dehydration can contribute to fatigue, irritability, and hunger. Make sure to bring some water with you and re-stock during the in-flight beverage service.
While you can’t bring your own beverages into the airport, you can bring your own food. I, personally, have brought an entire rotisserie chicken through security. True story. Our best recommendation for eating healthy while traveling is to plan ahead and pack your own healthy snacks.
Smarty Tip: Save old takeout
containers for traveling. Instead of toting around pricey plastic or
stainless steel that you have to save and wash, these can be thrown away
when you’re finished – just make sure you recycle!
Even when you’ve got options, the nutrient-density of airport food can be a little lacking, so keep an eye out for our SmartyPants On-the-Go packs. Inside you get a full serving of vitamins, minerals, and omega 3 fish oil all in one amazingly delicious gummy package. We use the forms of nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body whenever possible, our fish oil is eco-friendly, and our gummies are non-GMO, contain no synthetic colors, flavors, or preservatives, and are gluten, casein, and allergen-free. The perfect backup when you’re on the go and in need of nutrients!
Local Jerky
Jerky is an almost perfect balance between fat and protein, and a good source of B vitamins and zinc – two nutrients that are particularly important when traveling as they support energy production and immunity. But many commercial brands are coated with flavorings and preservatives. Fortunately, one of the best things about road trips is that you can often find locally-produced goods and goodies at gas stations. When you make a pit stop, keep an eye out for homemade jerky, which usually just includes meat, spices, and a bit of sugar for taste.
Sunflower Seeds
In a mere one ounce, 150 calorie serving, this gas station staple delivers 14 grams of fat, 6 grams of carbohydrate, 6 grams of protein, and 2 grams of fiber! You also get vitamin B1, B6, folate, and over 80% of the Daily Value for antioxidant vitamin E. Sunflower seeds are also an excellent source of selenium and magnesium – two nutrients which are needed for hundreds of functions in the body, including energy production, proper thyroid and immune function, healthy aging, and sleep. These minerals are not abundant in many foods, so when you find a good dietary source, don’t pass it up!
Crudité & Peanut Butter
Crudité is a fancy word for sliced vegetables, which many gas stations have in their refrigerated section. To jazz things up, try dipping your veggies in peanut butter – you can often find mini-size condiments for sale in gas station travel sections. Peanuts contain healthy fats to help you absorb the vitamins in the veggies, as well as some extra antioxidant vitamin E and protein.
String Cheese & Yogurt
Individually packaged string cheese and yogurt not only deliver hunger-busting protein and fat, they’re also some of the best dietary sources of bioavailable calcium, or, calcium that our bodies can absorb and use easily (at SmartyPants, we’re all about those bioavailable nutrients.)
When choosing a yogurt, opt for an unflavored, plain variety. You can sweeten it up with honey, which you can usually find provided for free at the coffee/tea station.
Protein Bars?
Protein and meal replacement bars seem to have taken over the world, but buyer beware: while many of these bars may appear to be healthy, thanks to clever marking language and pretty packaging, they can be filled with a multitude of highly processed ingredients and additives. If your gas station has bars, try and choose one with the fewest number of ingredients – preferably those you can recognize and pronounce. Additionally, look for bars that contain at least five grams of protein and, ideally, less than a third of the total calories from sugar. Bonus points for fiber. We like KIND bars, organic Cliff bars, and Kashi Go Lean bars.
Potato SaladThis one may come as a shocker, but potato salad can be a relatively healthy food choice. Potatoes, when cooked and then cooled, contain something called resistant starch. Resistant starches pass through the digestive tract unchanged – they are resistant to digestion – and function similar to soluble fiber in that they act as prebiotics, helping to feed our good gut bacteria. Research shows that resistant starch can have powerful health benefits, including improved insulin sensitivity, lower blood sugar levels, reduced appetite, and improved digestion.
Fruit Salad
A classic fruit salad consists of melon, grapes, and pineapple – all of which bring something special to the nutritional buffet. Watermelon and melon are loaded with water and fiber, which will help keep you hydrated and feeling full. Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. You may have heard of resveratrol? This antioxidant famous for promoting heart health is found in the skins of red grapes. Finally, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme which helps promote digestion – especially helpful if you just so happen to accidentally sample some of the extra spicy chicken wings, or grandma’s homemade rigatoni.
Cocktail Shrimp
Shrimp are a nutritionist’s dream. They’re low in fat, calories, and carbs while packing as much protein as a steak in a 3-ounce serving! In that same serving, you also get 75% of the Daily Value for vitamin B12, 50% of selenium, over 50% of phosphorous, 30% of choline, copper, and iodine, and antioxidants to boot! In addition to selenium, shrimp contain astaxanthin, a powerful nutrient that has been shown to promote heart health, skin health, increased endurance, and overall healthy aging. In terms of free radical fighting power, one study showed that astaxanthin displayed the highest antioxidant activity when compared to other carotenoids.
Cheese Platter
Cheese is one of those foods that can turn from healthy snack to belt-busting binge fest, fast. The key to keeping cheese consumption to a moderate level is to understand what you’re eating. Much like mixed nuts, cheese is a dense source of calories and nutrition, with one ounce delivering around 115 calories, 9 grams of fat, and 7 grams of protein.
What does one ounce look like? Two dice. Or, one piece about the size of your thumb. Our advice when sampling from the cheese board is to take a few cubes – along with a generous helping of fruit and veggies – and step away from the wheel. You’re much less likely to clean the platter if you’re not within striking distance.
If there was a popularity contest amongst dips, hummus would be the prom queen. Everybody loves hummus, and for good reason. The delicious garbanzo bean spread is an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, fiber, protein, vitamin B6, folate, and manganese. One quarter cup (because, let’s be honest, no one is eating just one tablespoon) contains 6 grams of fat, 9 grams of carbohydrates, 5 grams of protein, 4 grams of fiber, and only 100 calories! Sounds too good to be true, but it’s not. It’s hummus.
From the MenuDepending on which state you live in, many bars are required by law to sell food. If your bar has a menu, look first for anything that’s not fried. Next – in order of priority – look for dishes that contain vegetables, protein, and fat. These macronutrients will keep you full and slow the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream. Some good options include mini sliders or wraps – you can ditch the bun or wrap and just eat the filling – cocktail shrimp, chili, and deviled eggs.
No Menu
If the bar does not serve food, many will at least have snacks. The best option is mixed nuts, but if your only choices are pretzels or chips, go for the pretzels. Chips are typically fried in vegetable oil, and, when exposed to high heat, vegetable oils can become damaged, or oxidized. Consuming oxidized fats can lead to free radical damage in the body, so it’s best to avoid fried foods when you can.
If the bar does not serve food, many will at least have snacks. The best option is mixed nuts, but if your only choices are pretzels or chips, go for the pretzels. Chips are typically fried in vegetable oil, and, when exposed to high heat, vegetable oils can become damaged, or oxidized. Consuming oxidized fats can lead to free radical damage in the body, so it’s best to avoid fried foods when you can.
Last, but certainly not least. Try and alternate every alcoholic drink with a glass of water. Water will not only help keep you hydrated, support liver function, and mitigate the dreaded, morning-after hangover, it will also help your wallet by cutting your bar bill in half!
Last, but certainly not least. Try and alternate every alcoholic drink with a glass of water. Water will not only help keep you hydrated, support liver function, and mitigate the dreaded, morning-after hangover, it will also help your wallet by cutting your bar bill in half!
Know anyone going on a trip, or could use some healthy inspo? Share this with them!
What are your favorite healthy go-tos when you’re in a nutritional jam? We’d love to hear in the comments!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Nature's Bounty Optimal Solutions Hair, Skin & Nails Extra Strength, 150 Softgels
About the Product
- Combines vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients for healthy hair, skin and nails
- These coated caplets feature 5,000 mcg of Biotin, an important B Vitamin that supports skin and hair health
- Includes Vitamin C to help in healthy collagen construction
- These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
SugarBearHair Vitamins, 60 Count (1 Month Supply)
About the Product
- We designed our vitamins for those who were looking for easy to eat vitamins without the struggle of swallowing pills. Improve overall health & increase hair strength
- This vegetarian formula is based off of clinical trials that have shown these ingredients to improve hair growth
- Nourish your hair from within with our cruelty free gummy bear hair vitamins
- Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin B-6, Folic Acid, Vitamin B-12, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid, Iodine, Zinc, Choline, Inositol, as the active vitamins and minerals
NatureWise Vitamin D3 5,000 IU in Organic Olive Oil, Non-GMO, USP Grade, 360 count
About the Product
- NatureWise Vitamin D3 in certified organic olive oil helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth, provide immune support, and support muscle function
- Vitamin D is necessary for healthy calcium and phosphorus levels, though according to the Mayo Clinic 25% to 50% or more of the population could be deficient
- Our formula delivers the same biologically active form of vitamin D produced by the body as a result of sun exposure. Naturewise Vitamin D3 in softgel form provides all the benefits of vitamin D without the risk of unprotected exposure to UVB rays
- Made in the USA. Our doctor-formulated vitamin D3 is gluten-free and non-GMO. Each bottle contains a 360-day supply of Vitamin D3, 5,000 IU per softgel
- Responsive customer support. Our service professionals are available to help with any questions you may have. Support is only a phone call away
Collagen Complete Hydrolyzed Peptides Powder
About the Product
- Collagen Supplement (Powder) Collagen Complete. 10,000mg of Hydrolyzed Collagen Types 1, 2 & 3, Hyaluronic Acid and More. Top-rated Among the Best Collagen Supplements.
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